BHS Internship Information

What We Do:

Barrington High School Internship Program offers students the unique opportunity to explore a career field of interest and to gain valuable, real-world work experience while earning academic credit. Participating in the Internship Program allows students to:​

Experience a prospective career path before committing to years of preparation

Receive academic credit

Apply the knowledge and skills learned in the classroom

Experience the standards and expectations of the working world

Evaluate their employment skills and needs

Gain a competitive edge for college and workplace applications

Network with professionals in the field

The Internship Program is flexible to meet the needs of all our students. Students may choose to complete their internship during school hours or during their own time (after school, during breaks, and during the summer).

Requirements for Mentors and Helpful Guidelines:

Click each button below for more information:

Available Internship Opportunities:

Click the button below to view a list of available internships for students.

Requirements for Students:

In order to qualify for academic credit, interns must complete the following:

  • Application

  • Weekly Time Sheets - Students submit a time sheet each week demonstrating their prior week's work

  • Hours

    • 50 hours = 1/2 credit

    • 100 hours = 1 credit

    • 200 hours = 2 credits

  • Overall Requirements:

  • Portfolio Requirements:


    • ​Final meeting with Mr. West and/or panel will need to be scheduled in advance and must consist of the following:

      • Exit Interview (Wrap-up Presentation using Richer Picture)

      • Pictures

      • End Product

      • (Optional) Letter of Recommendation from Mentor

  • See Mr. Wst in Rm. 110 for placement options and to turn in your application