Backpack Express

Good afternoon,

Happy Wednesday to everyone.  This week’s Backpack Express is ready for you to read and enjoy.

  • PTO Apple Picking:  The PTO is sponsoring an apple picking adventure on Sunday, September 17, 2023, at 9:00 in the morning.  Sowams will have the whole orchard to ourselves until 10:00.  This is a great opportunity for Sowams friends to meet up, enjoy some apple picking together, and donate some apples to a good cause.  The PTO will be collecting apples which will be donated to a local food bank.  Information may be found here.  

  • Open House:  Save the date for our annual Open House.  It will take place on Wednesday, September 27, 2023.  Kindergarten and grade one parents are invited to classrooms from 7:00 pm - 7:45 pm; our second and third grade parents are invited from 6:00 pm - 6:45 pm.  This is the time for you to hear from our teachers about what occurs on a daily basis in your child’s classroom.  This evening is for adults only.

  • Picture Day:  Our school picture day is scheduled for September 28, 2023.  Our photographer, Coffee Pond, will be here to take pictures of all of our students.  Information on how to order pictures may be found here.  Students' pictures are taken for everyone so everyone is included in our yearbook.  If your child is out sick on our picture day, a make up day will be scheduled for another time.

  • Volunteer on School Teams:  There are two teams in which parents are invited to become members of:  School Improvement Team and the Special Education Task Force.  To be considered for either of these teams, please complete this application.  Applications are due by September 15, 2023.

    • School Improvement Team:  This principal advisory team assists with creating goals for our school, progress monitors these goals, assists with creating our building-based budget, works with the principal on hiring considerations, and other duties as assigned.

    • Special Education Task Force:  This group will provide feedback and share perspectives on special education related topics, draw attention to areas of concern, and contribute to solutions.

  • Grade 1 PTO/Arts Alive Play:  Our school is fortunate to have an after school theater program for students in grades one, two, and three.  Our grade one program will be starting soon.  All of the information you need for this may be found here.  There is a cost to this program; however, scholarships are available.  If you would like a scholarship, you should reach out to me at  Volunteers are needed at play practices.  If you are signing up your first grader, please consider volunteering to assist.  You may sign up here to volunteer. Registration is open and is open until September 19, 2023.

  • Community Notices:  There are several community notices for you this week:  Barrington has an upcoming Community Bike Path Painting event and Day of GivingBYBA information, and Senior Project Volleyball Fundraiser.

Hope you enjoy the rest of your day.


Jim Callahan


Sowams School Mission:  Everyone learns every day.

Sowams School Vision:  Sowams School will engage students to be their best selves.