Backpack Express--October 9, 2019

Octoberfest Information

  • Octoberfest Part 1:  The PTO’s biggest (and typically only) fundraiser will be here shortly.  I hope you have October 19 from 10:00-3:00 marked on your calendar. Presale class basket raffle tickets were sent home earlier in the week.  Presale tickets should be sent back to school by October 17.

  • Octoberfest Part 2:  Volunteers are needed on the day of the event.  It is our hope that every family will be able to volunteer for one hour on October 19.  If you are able to volunteer, please click here to sign up to assist.

  • Octoberfest Part 3:  The Silent Auction is now open.  There are many items on the auction site that you can bid on.  Items will continue to be added to the site as donations are still coming in.  You may access the Silent Auction website here.  

  • Octoberfest Part 4:  On the day of the event, parking gets tricky.  Please make sure you are parking legally in the parking lot and on public roads.  When parking on Sowams Rd., please only park on the school side of Sowams Rd. When parking on any of the streets, please be respectful of neighbors by not blocking driveways or parking on lawns.  Also, please make sure emergency vehicles are able to get through.  

Upcoming Events

  • Picture Day:  This Friday is picture day at Sowams.  All students will have their pictures taken.  Information was sent home about purchasing your child’s picture.  However, if you need information on how to do this, please contact Mrs. Fallgren on Thursday.

  • PTO/Arts Alive Play:  Registration is now open for students in grades one, two, and three for this year’s production of Pinocchio. Costs and other important information about the play may be found here.

  • Flu Shot Clinic:  Sowams is hosting a flu shot clinic on Thursday, October 10, 2019, from 4:00-6:30.  Information about the clinic may be found here.  A consent form will need to be signed in order to receive the shot/mist.  You can complete the form when you arrive or you can fill one out prior to coming.  You may access the consent form here.  If you cannot make this clinic, Barrington High School will also be hosting one on October 29 from 4:00-6:30.

  • Author Visit:  Author Dan Santat will be visiting Sowams on October 17.  Our students will get to hear him present and talk about his books.  If you have a copy of his book that you would like him to sign, please complete this form and return it (along with the book) to Mrs. Greene by October 15.  Thank you to the Sowams PTO for funding his visit.

  • Grade Three Family Book Club:  Mrs. Greene and Mrs. Sanchez are hosting the first book club of the year for third graders and their families.  It will take place on November 7 right after school. The book is Bobby the Brave (Sometimes).  More information may be found here.  To register, click here.

  • No School:  There is no school on Monday, October 14 in observance of Columbus Day.

  • Town Meeting:  Our next Town Meeting is scheduled for October 22, 2019, beginning at 1:40.  Mrs. Gaynor’s class is class of the week.

Other Bits of Information

  • Parking on Sowams Rd.:  I understand that our school parking lot does not accommodate all parents in the morning when dropping off your child to school or in the afternoon when picking up your child.  I know that parents may need to park on Sowams Rd. With that in mind, you need to be very careful when parking on Sowams Rd. There are people riding bikes on the road or crossing the street and cars driving down the road (sometimes way too fast).  You need to be aware of all of this when you are opening your vehicle’s doors and when pulling into or out of a parking spot.  

  • Lunch and Learn:  Do you have a really cool hobby?  Interesting profession? If so, you may want to share that with our students.  Lunch and Learns take place on various Wednesdays throughout the school year from 11:40-12:25.  If you have any questions, please e-mail Cara Sanchez at  Below is a link to a sign up genius with some potential dates.  In the comment box please provide your topic "title." Click here to sign up.