Backpack Express - 3/20/24

Good morning,

Here’s this week’s Backpack Express for you:

  • Progress Reports:  On Friday, progress reports for the second trimester will be available for your review.  The reports are found on Aspen.  If you do not know your username or password, you should email to request the information.  The school does not have access to your username or password.  You will receive an email once the progress reports are posted.

  • No School:  As a reminder, this Friday is a professional development day for our faculty and staff.  There is no school for students.

  • Yearbooks:  Watch for information about purchasing a yearbook.  We will be sending information home soon about this.

  • BMS Raffle:  Barrington Middle School is hosting a raffle to support their eighth grade class trip to Washington, DC.  There is a change to win between $250-$1000.  Information about the raffle and how to purchase tickets may be found here.  

  • Third Grade State Testing:  As was previously mentioned in various Backpack Expresses, state testing with grade three students will be coming up soon.  April 8 and 9 will be the ELA assessment; May 13 and 14, math assessment.  If your child is not in school on a testing day, they will be pulled out of class in order to make up the missed assessment.

Have a wonderful day.


Jim Callahan


Sowams School Mission: Everyone learns every day.

Sowams School Vision: Sowams School will engage students to be their best selves.