Sowams Update

Good morning,

There is some information that I would like to share with you as we get closer to the start of the school year.  Please read this information carefully.

  • Classroom Visits:  In the placement letter that was sent out a couple days ago, there were times for classroom visits on Thursday, August 25, 2022.  During this time, students and parents are invited to visit the classroom.  This will provide you time to meet the teacher and to meet classmates.

  • Peanut/Tree Nut Free Classrooms:  For some students in our building, they have been placed in a classroom that is considered a peanut/tree nut free classroom.  The letter that was a part of your child’s placement letter had a sentence about eating lunch in the classroom.  That is not correct.  Students will be eating lunch in the cafeteria this year.  Students do, however, eat snacks in their classrooms.  Anyone assigned to a peanut/tree nut free classroom needs to make sure they are eating peanut/tree nut free food.  Here is the updated letter which explains this.  Right now, the peanut/tree nut free classrooms are Mrs. Silva, Mrs. Felag, and Mrs. Rackliffe.

  • August 29,2022:  As was mentioned in a previous email, students will have a half day of school on this day.  The student day will run from 7:55-11:30.  Buses will be running on this day.

  • Lunch on August 29, 2022:  Although lunch will not take place at school on August 29, there is an option available for anyone who would like to have a brown bag lunch sent home on this day.  The lunch would consist of a turkey and cheese wrap, fresh veggies, fruit, and milk.  If you would like your child to purchase hot lunch on this day, we do need to know by August 25, 2022.  Please complete this form indicating your child will purchase a lunch on August 29.  

  • Kindergarten/New Family Parent Meeting: On August 24 at 6:30, I will be holding a kindergarten parent and new family parent meeting.  At this meeting, I will provide you with information about our school.  For those parents who are unable to attend, I will share with our entire school community the presentation after the meeting.

  • Grade 1 Arts Alive Program:  Our PTO is sponsoring a drama program for our first graders.  This program is a part of our school’s partnership with Arts Alive.  Information about this program may be found here.  Our PTO and Arts Alive will have a program later in the year for our second and third graders.

  • Hot Lunch Menu:  You may find the hot lunch menu for the first week of school and for the month of September here.  Starting on August 30, students will order their lunch when they arrive at school.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend and I am looking forward to seeing everyone at our classroom visits.


Jim Callahan


(original email sent on 8/19/22)