Backpack Express

Good morning,

This week’s Backpack Express is ready for your reading pleasure.

  • Trimester Information:  We are now in the second trimester of the school year.  The narratives explaining what your child will be learning during this trimester can be viewed by grade level:  Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, and Grade 3.

  • Providence Bruins:  The Sowams PTO is sponsoring a fun afternoon out at the Providence Bruins on January 29, 2023.  All the details, including how to order tickets, may be found here.

  • PTO Website:  The Sowams PTO has a website with information about events sponsored by the PTO and other information.  You may access the PTO website here.  You may also access it through the Sowams School website.

  • Morning Drop Off:  Morning drop off is going relatively smoothly.  Just a couple quick reminders for you.  First, parents/guardians/drivers should not be getting out of the vehicle to assist your child.  If you need to get out, please use the parking lot and walk your child to the building.  Second, in order to avoid back ups during drop off, if you notice a person trying to exit the parking lot, please let them out.  Most of the traffic is caused because vehicles cannot get out of our driveway.

  • Dismissal:  If your child is being dismissed a way different than normal, please make sure you send a note to school indicating this.  We understand emergencies come up where you may not know about the change in the morning.  Please call the school no later than 2:00 to make the change.  Parents are calling us as we are dismissing students and it is very difficult to make a change at that point.

Have a wonderful day.


Jim Callahan
