Backpack Express

Good afternoon,

Here’s this week’s Backpack Express for your reading pleasure.

  • PTO/Arts Alive Play:  Our PTO in conjunction with Arts Alive is getting ready for this year’s school play.  Any second and third graders interested in participating in the play are welcome to register.  Although registration does not start until March 2, 2023, all of the information needed for the play may be found here.  

  • Sick Children:  We know there are a lot of children getting sick with various illnesses.  We certainly appreciate you keeping your child home when they are sick.  In order to not spread any type of virus, please do not send your child to school when they are sick.  If you are not sure, please feel free to contact Mrs. Mungovan, our school nurse teacher, for guidance.  Also, as a reminder, if there is a positive case of Covid in your household, your child needs to wear a mask to school.  Also, I am suggesting that if there are other illnesses in your home, you may want to have your child wear a mask just in case your child is getting what others in your home may have.  We like to share here at Sowams, but we don’t want to share illnesses with each other.

  • Dental Screening:  Mrs. Mungovan sent out information a few weeks ago regarding our upcoming dental screening on February 14, 2023.  If your child receives routine dental care, they do not need to be screened at school.  In order for us to know which students need to be screened, complete this form if your child receives regular dental care.  If you already completed the form, thank you and you do NOT need to complete it again.

  • URI Basketball:  The Sowams PTO will be hosting a Family Fun event at the URI Rams men's basketball game against UMass, which will be held at 1:00pm on Saturday, February 18th. Tickets are available now.  Information may be found here.

  • Kindergarten Registration:  Kindergarten registration has begun for children who will be five years old as of September 1, 2023.  I sent an email home yesterday with all of the information.  Information on registration may be found on the district’s student registration page.

  • Community Notice: The International Empathy Film and Culture Festival is happening at the Barrington Middle School this weekend.  You may find the information here.

Have a wonderful night.


Jim Callahan
